at the School of Industrial Design (Carleton University)

the Master course IDES5500 ‘Design Anthropology’, designed and taught by Dr. Chiara Del Gaudio at the School of Industrial Design (Carleton University) in the Winter term 2022 asked students to explore what Design Anthropology is and how to practice it by engaging with the concept of Urban Imaginaries.

one of the assignments required students to lead a counter-mapping process of the urban context inspired by the walks of the ‘Urban Imaginaries Ottawa’ project. Students worked in group. One group focused on the Soundwalk; while the other group focused on the Urban Walk.

each group designed and implemented a counter-mapping workshop subsequent to the chosen walk, and organized its results in a counter-map.

after that, each group designed an ethnography of the possible to share their learnings and reflections on the urban spaces and its politics emerged from the previous activities; and to catalyzed reflections on alternative possibilities.

counter-mapping the city through sound

on March 17, 2022 after the Soundwalk experience, a group of students led their in-class workshop to counter-map the city. The students designed the workshop by leveraging the insights provided by the Soundwalk…

counter-mapping the city through feelings and physical perception

on March 31, 2022 after the Urban Walk experience, a group of students led their in-class workshop to counter-map the city. The students designed the workshop by leveraging the insights provided by the walk…